保险公司/IMO 理财产品/类别 产品描述 相关链接
Allianz Life/S Accumulator IUL /IUL 1.Accumulation Focus Allianz IUL (Allianz目前唯一的Fixed 2. Current Fixed Rate: 4.5% How Allianz IUL Works 保险产品,Broker系列 3. Living Benefit: Chronic, Terminal Interest Credit Rate
产品销量全美第一) 4. Fixed-Variable Loan (5%/Variable) Interest Rate History
5. Solid Strong Structure Design Life Insurance Need Calculator
6. Age: 0-80 (0-17, Juvenile Tobacco)
7. Index Loan Rate: 5% (Guaranteed)
F&G/S Pathsetter IUL /IUL 1.Accumulation Focus F&G Pathsetter IUL (F&G最强的IUL, 演示结果 2. Current Fixed Rate: 4.5% Why F&G Pathsetter 非常漂亮,很难找到竞争 3. Living Benefit: Critical, Chronic, Terminal Interest Credit Rate
产品,产品销量名列前茅, 4. Fixed-Variable Loan (5%/Variable) At-a-Glance
是花钱少,回报好的保险, 5. Solid Strong Structure Design
非常适合未成年保险) 6. Age: 0-80 (0-17, Juvenile Non-Tobacco)
7. Variable Loan Interest <=5% (Guaranteed)
North America/S Builder Plus IUL 3/IUL 1.Accumulation Focus Product Link
(NA is A+, Builder Plus IUL 是 2. Current Fixed Rate: 3%
目前A+公司演示结果最好的, 3. Living Benefit: Critical, Chronic, Terminal
产品,资金容量非常大,是Roth 4. Fixed-Variable Loan (5%/Variable)
的替代产品) 5. Variable Loan Interest <=6%
6. Age: 0-75 (0-17, Juvenile Non-Tobacco)
7. Participation Loan Interest <=8% (Guaranteed)
North America/S GIUL 3/IUL 1. Protection and Accumulation Product Link
(NA is A+, Protection Builder IUL 2. Current Fixed Rate: 3% GIUL和Whole Life比较
是Whole Life 的很好的替代产品 3. Living Benefit: Critical, Chronic, Terminal
从传承保证和现金积累两个方面 4. Can be guaranteed to age 120
都有很大优势,请看录像) 5. Variable Loan Interest <=6%
6. Age: 0-75 (0-17, Juvenile Non-Tobacco)
7. Participation Loan Interest <=8% (Guaranteed)
NLG/S Flex/Summit Life /IUL 1.Accumulation Focus (国家人寿是全美最早成立的 2. Current Fixed Rate: 2.5% 保险公司,成立于1848年, 3. Living Benefit: Critical, Chronic, Terminal
曾首创生前理赔和Guaranteed 4. Fixed-Variable Loan (5%/Variable)
Tax Free Lifetime Income, 产品 5. Summit Face Amount >=1 million
销量位列全美三甲, 非常适合 6. Age: 0-80 (0-17, Juvenile Non-Tobacco)
未成年保险) 7. Participation Loan Interest =5% (Guaranteed)
United Life/BA Single Premium IUL /IUL 1.No Surrender Charge Lazy Accumulation/Protection (特别适合传承,大学助学金) 2. Guaranteed 2.5% Product Website
3. Return of Premium from Day 1
4. Suitable for Financial aid program
OneAmerica/S LTC/Whole Life/Annuity 1. Hot Long Term Care with Life Time Coverage
2. Better for Couple Coverage OneAmerica LTC及抵税
3. RoP for Financial Aid Asset Care and Annuity Care
Allianz/TruChoice ABC/Lifetime Income Focus 1. Current Premium Bonus 32% ABC Link
/FIA 2. PIV Participation 250% How ABC Works
(Allianz 全美居首的指数年金,3. Income Participation 150% Credit and Withdraw Rate
自推出以来,迅速收到美国 4. Current Allocation Charge 0% Brochure
广大客户的青睐) 5. Age 0-80 ABC Allocation Tool
6. Amount: 20,000-1,000,000
7. Partially Roth Conversion after Policy Issues
8. Starts Income at Age 50 Immediately
Allianz/TruChoice 222/Income, Legacy, 1. Current Premium Bonus 47% 222 Link
Accumulation/FIA 2. PIV and Income Participation 150% How 222 Works
(Allianz 长期以来美国最受 3. Withdraw rate just got raised Credit and Withdraw Rate
欢迎的指数年金,兼顾传承、 4. Age 0-80 Brochure
现金积累和退休养老) 5. Amount: 20,000-1,000,000 222 Allocation Tool
6. Partially Roth Conversion after Policy Issues
7. Starts Income at Age 60 with 10 yrs holding
Allianz/TruChoice 360/Accumulation Focus 1. Current Interest Participation 150% 360 Link
/FIA 2. From 45, W Rate Increases EY How 360 Works
(Allianz最强增值年金,除了 3. From 50, W Rate Increases +10 BPs EY Credit and Withdraw Rate
非常强的现金回报外,还有 4. Current Rider Charge 1.3% ( Max 3%) Brochure
很强的退休收入) 5. Age 0-80 360 Allocation Tool
6. Amount: 20,000-1,000,000
7. Partially Roth Conversion after Policy Issues
8. Starts Income at 50 with Level or Increasing
Allianz/TruChoice Core 7/Accumulation Focus 1. Current Interest Participation 100% Core7 Link
/FIA 2. From 45, W Rate Increases EY How Core 7 Works
(长期享有最高回报利率, 3. From 45, W Rate Increases +45 BPs EY Credit and Withdraw Rate
特别适合两年IRA, Roth IRA 4. Current Rider Charge 1.25% ( Max 1.25%) Brochure
跨年开设账户) 5. Age 0-80 6. Amount: 10,000-1,000,000
7. Partially Roth Conversion after Policy Issues
8. Starts Income at 50 with Level or Increasing
Allianz/TruChoice Allianz Accumulation Advantage 1. Fixed Rate at 1st year 8.0% AAA Link
/No Fee Accumulation Focus 2. Accumulation Focus How AAA Works
/FIA (没有费用) 3. Surrender Period 10 Yrs Interest Credit Rate
Guaranty Income Life/EverVest Joint Income same as Single 1. 6.5% for Joint Life at Age 65 Product Link
/FIA (特别适合夫妻合开) 2. 7.0% for Joint Life at Age 70