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案例:全世界最有价值的钱是保险里的钱, Whole Life 转成CVAT

张先生今年60岁,拥有某公司Whole Life, 现金值已经达到20万,但由于这是终身付保费的Whole Life, 张先生觉得没有办法坚持下去,准备采用退出的方式拿到20万算了。经过和客户交谈后,客户知道:



1. 一次性买段373,700 Whole Life, 本金保障第五年收回,100岁最低保障现金373,700,预计现金927,100 (按5.5%红利算)

2. 一次性购买CVAT指数保险425,000,终生不断单,按平均6.91%计算,到100岁时现金值达到206万。

关键是这样的转换,一是永不断单(No Lapsed Guaranteed), 另外这样做的好处是Non Mec 保单,将来通过Loan的形式形成的收入,可以不用上税。


本站提供的信息为一般性信息,不形成您的财务指导,您在做出任何决定之前,应该就您的个人情况和目标咨询财务或税务专业人士。 此处报告的信息,统计数据和意见来自可靠的来源。 保证受到发行公司的财务实力和索赔支付能力支持。 购买保险产品是一项重要的财务决策。 在做出任何决定之前,您应该与您的财务专业人员进行充分讨论。

This information is provided as general information and is not intended to be specific financial guidance. Before you make any decisions regarding your personal financial situation, you should consult a financial or tax professional to discuss your individual circumstances and objectives. The information, statistics, and opinions reported herein are from sources believed to be reliable. Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims paying ability of the issuing company.  Purchase of an insurance product is an important financial decision. You should have a full discussion with your financial professional before making any decisions.

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